Schizoid Blog
5 Emotional Self Healing Techniques
Emotional self healing starts with kindness and compassion towards your own vulnerabilities and needs.
Beyond Feelings of Inadequacy
The distinct characteristic of feeling inadequate is not insecurity or lack of confidence – although we might label this state as such. It is rather, ambivalence and uncertainty about who we are and how to act accordingly to our self-concept.
Self-Authorship Guide - Tips on How to Reinvent Yourself
Self-authoring individuals strive for autonomy and freedom from the automatic and unconscious ways of thinking and behaving. They go above and beyond “I am who I am” and take responsibility for their identity, behaviour and decisions.
Schizoid Personality: The True vs False Self
The core issue that many schizoids wrestle with, consciously or unconsciously, is not the fact of having a false self, but rather - that the false and the true selves became extremely disconnected from each other. One might become an alien to one's body or needs.
Self-Acceptance as a Catalyst for Change
Self-acceptance requires a form of honesty. It's not about judging or evaluating yourself. But rather, it's about describing your experience in a plain language that avoids explanation and judgment.
Flow States – an Antidote to Boredom and Apathy in Three Steps
Flow experiences possess a distinct quality of awareness and attention – when we are flowing, we are focused on the present moment and we merge with the activity we are engaged in while losing our sense of self.