Schizoid Blog
The Misguided Purpose of Self-Criticism
Many of us adopted self-criticism as a method of improving ourselves, correcting mistakes and striving towards some ideal. The problem with the inner critic, however, is that no matter what we do – nothing is ever good enough.
"Why am I stuck?" The Challenges of Personal Growth
Being aware of this important phase of growth is a key moving away from feeling stuck in between stages of development.
9 Tips on Becoming a Master of Your Mind
The process of becoming a master of your mind starts with expanding awareness, staying grounded in the present moment and taking responsibility for your actions.
How to Stop Procrastinating: Cognitive Behavioural Coaching
Accordingly to the CBC theory, in order to change our behaviour (in this case, procrastination), we need to change the way we think (in this case, what we think about the target task and about our experience of it).
Using Present Moment in Self-Therapy & CPTSD Flashback Management
Knowing that you are in the emotional flashback is the key. Stay present and observe your emotions: what are you feeling, why, what has triggered the feelings, what are you thinking
How to Set Personal Boundaries
How to set personal boundaries not only in relation to others, but also in relation to different aspects of ourselves.